
Point Curlew Tenants Association exists for the benefit of its members, the chalet owners, at Atlantic Bays Holiday Park.

Established on the 3rd April 2010 by the members of the Point Curlew Action Group.

Its purpose is to provide a conduit between the landlords of Atlantic Bays and the tenants for:

a. consultation on service charge issues.
b. to represent the tenants on issues relating to the site management
c .to support where appropriate the landlords in their management of the site
d. to provide where appropriate legal support for tenants in disputes with the landlords


Point Curlew Tenants Association Chalet

2 thoughts on “About

  1. roger mansfield

    I am contemplating my purchase of a lodge at Atlantic Bays.
    I am obviously wanting to know about site fees and all related matters/responsibilities that come with ownership.
    Someone mentioned to me, “Don’t pay your fees directly to management. It’s more practical to become a member of PCTA and they will represent you on this issue … and save you some money too.”
    Is this true?
    Please give me some guidance asap.

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